Grant Mongardi
531a Country Way, Scituate, MA 02066 (781)544-3387

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Document Downloads
This page contains a list of various documents available for download. All of these documents are copyrighted by me, and therefore should not be duplicated, modified, distributed, or otherwise manipulated without my express written permission. These documents are provided as for your review as a reference toward my potential employment, and you are given the following rights:
  1. You can reproduce for distribution to others within your organization for the sole purpose of determining my qualifications for employment, provided that you notify those persons of these rules.
  2. You may modify the documents with comments or notes solely pertaining to meet the above mentioned ends.
  3. You may reference these documents in any other documents THROUGH A LINK TO THIS PAGE ONLY!
I apologize, but this discalimer is necessary, as some of the documents may have been published elsewhere. Here they are:

   Software Development - Word Format.
   Engineering - Word Format.
   Electrical/Electronics - Word Format.
   Repair Technician - Word Format.

Reference Letter:
   Software Development - Word Format.

Other: Article - The Desktop Operating System Revue(sic).
   Electronics (Word) - a couple of pages of a training program I put together.
   limits.txt - an analysis of existing i18n/l10n systems for the Perl6 project.
   dosr.txt - A comparson of RedHat and Win2k for the desktop.
   linux.txt - I was asked to recommend a workstation linux.
   calendar.txt - Notes for a calendaring project that I worked on. - My notes on configuring and building Apache. - My notes on configuring and building JSERV.

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